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Information about each ministryMusicWe are keen to use talent from all age groups so don't be shy about offering. Talk to Josh Simon. Practice occurs before the service. Bible ReadingThe readings are listed in the news sheet. The first named person should read the first reading listed. At the end of the reading say, “this is the word of the Lord” and the reply is “thanks be to God”. Leading Prayer during the serviceThe Prayer Leader prepares approximately 5 minutes of intercessory prayer to share during the service. There are several resources available on the bookshelf in Jennie's office. Easy Worshop (Computer)Operate overhead data computer during service. Duties include checking order of service, and songs in Easy Worship software before service. Training is available. Arrive by 10am. Sound Control at Audio Visual DeskControl sound levels during service. Duties include arriving at 10am, setting up microphones and setting sound level during music practice. Full training is available. WelcomingBefore the service: Turn heater on, if necessary, greet people and look out for new people, offer a visitor's card. Distribute any hand-outs and Weekly News. During the service: stay at doors until 10.15am. Count attendees. During the offertory song, pass around the offertory plate to collect tithes and offerings. After the service: Enter attendance, communicants, and other details in service record book. With the other helper, gather the tithes and offerings, place in calico offering bags with both your signatures and deposit in the money safe. CuppaArrive 20 minutes before the service to prepare coffee machine, cups, biscuits etc. A few minutes before the end of the service finish preparations. Serve morning tea, then clean up when finished. To assist you, instructions on how to operate all equipment are in a folder in the kitchen. Communion Preparation & Clean upArrive at 9.30 am and set up for communion and clean up after the service. Serving CommunionAssist with serving communion wine/fruit juice to communicants. Prayer MinistryPray with one other person for those who seek individual prayer after the service. Kids Church MinistryLeaders are on a roster, serving approximately at a frequency of 3 consecutive weeks, every 6 months. Any ministry to, or involving dependents, requires appropriate Safe Ministry checks and clearances. (visit one week to have a look). Speak to Josh Simon or Geoff Gill. | ||