Safe Ministry | St. John's Anglican Church Highton Geelong

Safe Ministry

At St Johns, we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children, young people and all vulnerable people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our parish. We are committed to ensuring that all those engaged in ministry to these groups promote and are committed to the inherant dignity of children, young people and other vulnerable people and their fundamental right to be respected and nurtured in a safe environment. Our Code of Conduct shows clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children and young people. We are committed to being a Safe Ministry Church. We have in place policies, procedures and practices developed to keep children, young people and other vulnerable people safe from harm.

Anyone involved in this work at St Johns has been screened for suitability and appropriately trained for ministry. They have committed to our Code of Conduct, hold a current Working With Children Check and Police Check, have been interviewed, and hold a Clearance for Service from the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.

Safe Ministry Training (online)

Safe Ministry Essentials (Level 1)

A two-hour course for all clergy and lay position holders to develop awareness of the Diocesan Safe Ministry policy, protocols, procedures, and practices. The training includes biblical foundations, healthy team ministry, screening, boundaries, code of conduct, duty of care, responding to concerns and self-care as church workers. This training is available as an eTraining course via, by following this link. The cost for Level 1 is $20.

Safe Ministry with Children and Young People (Level 2)

A two-hour course for all children and youth workers (lay and clergy) to develop awareness of Child Safety.  This course includes empowering children, identifying, and responding to concerns (risk of harm), reducing the risks of child abuse, and caring for all parties.​ Level 2 training is available as an eTraining course via​, by following this link. The cost for Level 2 is $15.

Safe Ministry Implementation for Senior Leaders (Level 3)

A course for all clergy, Parish Council members, Child Safe Officers and Ministry Program Coordinators aimed at working through the implementation of Diocesan Safe Ministry Policy, Protocols and Procedures. This training will be offered via Zoom (details to provided soon). The cost for Level 3 is $15.


Relevant Documents -

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Code of Conduct for Child Safety and Wellbeing

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Safe Ministry Policy.

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Faithfulness in Service Report.

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Safe Ministry to Children Canon 2017

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Guidelines for Child Safety

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Statement of Commitment for Child Safety

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Child Safety anf Wellbeing Reporting Procedure